So yesterday was our scheduled anatomy scan sonogram where they take tons of measurements of the babies to make sure they are developing correctly. This was a LONG appointment and I was on the table for an hour and a half, which really hurt my back but it was so worth it. Brasker took up the first full hour because he would not be still so it made the tech's job a lot harder. Adaleigh was less wiggly so all of her measurement scans flew by until they need to measure the spine, since she doesnt move around as much they could only get partial spine scans so they want us to go back later to try again for her. The big surprise for us was they did the 4-D sonogram scan! Brasker's turned out wonderful and you can see his features very clearly, he has my mouth and Steve's nose. I think he is going to look a lot like Steve. Unfortunately they could never get Adaleigh's to show up as clearly as his. The tech was very confused at first and because the regular scan was getting great profiles and it seemed like the 4-D should have been very clear but she soon realized that the sac membrane was right against her face so this made all the features a little muddled. Also the reason the the membrane was right against her face is because Brasker's butt is laying across her forehead. See picture below.

That is Adaleigh's head and Brasker's butt! So you can see how that would affect the scan. Hopefully he will have shifted by our next appointment. Unfortunately they didnt give us very many pictures, just this one and the 4-D ones but they are sending us a disc because this was a VERY in depth appointment and a total of 176 images were taken of the twins so when that gets here I will share some more.
Those are some beautiful baby's your are makin there Mrs. Nelson. Looks like Brasker has his mommies butt.
ReplyDeleteo, you guys! i am teary up at work! those pictures look amazing! i am so happy they look so healthy!
ReplyDeleteI got all teary too when they were doing the 4-D ones cause you can see so much of what they are going to look like! I know Brak is going to look just like Steve!
Deletepoor kid..
DeleteBeautiful! :)