Friday, September 14, 2012


So I finally managed to sleep in my bed last night.  For the last few weeks I have been sleeping on the couch because her crib is in our dining room and last night I turned on the monitor and was able to sleep in my own bed.  Granted I was up much more often to check on her than when I was closer but I think I will eventually get used to it.  Adaleigh is getting so big!  She has already started raising her head and holding it up.  Before it was more of a flinging motion but there is definitely more control there now and she can hold it in an upright position for several seconds before she lays it back down.  Milestones all around :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2 month check up

Adaleigh went to the doctor yesterday for her 2 week wellness check.  She is up to 7lbs 10oz and 20" long. Doc said her hernia is healing nicely and not to be worried about it and eventually the "constipation" will resolve itself.  It seems the problem is not with her actually getting backed up but her not having the urge to bear down and poop.  We are continuing the prune juice .5oz every other day and a suppository after 4 days of not pooping unless we notice she is uncomfortable.  Her rash is also clearing up and is mostly gone from her face but there is still some areas on her chest.  She also got her shots, 3 shots, drops for polio, and foot pricked to check her iron levels.  She cried but was ok afterwards.  Last night her appetite was not what it usually is and she was more fussy but this morning she ate a good deal but then threw up afterward.  She doesnt have a fever and does seem to be feeling better so hopefully that was the worst of it.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Our first doctor appointment

We had our first visit to the doctor today. It was pretty uneventful but she is up to 6lbs 11ozs and 19.5 in. She does have a small heat rash that the doctor said should clear up on its own and she didnt poop at all yesterday so we were told if no poop in 3 days she is to get a suppository. We go back Friday for another appointment and we have one scheduled for the 10th where she will be getting her first round of immunizations. They also want to do the final head sonogram on her since she was a preemie and a hip ultrasound to check for dysplasia since she was breech. Overall though a pretty good visit.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Our baby girl spent her first night at home last night!  She is a little fussy just because she isnt accustomed to the noises in our house but I suspect that soon she will sleep better.  She did sleep for 4 hours last night straight before needing to eat and we fed her yesterday at 8pm, 10pm (not much just started acting hungry so she must have just wanted a little in her tummy), a full bottle at 12am and again at 4am.  Then she didnt wake back up until 6:30am.  She cant seem to decide if she wants to eat every 2 or 4 hours but I think she will find her rhythm once she adjusts to be in a new environment.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

no more feeding tube

FEEDING TUBE IS OUT!!!!! She has been taking all 8 bottles so has now been changed to feeding on demand and must take at least 50ml every 3 hours or 65ml every 4 hours. She must do this for a couple of days and then we can bring our baby girl home.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Daddy's first bottle

Steve gave Adaleigh her first bottle last night and actually got her to take it all!  She is up to 6 lbs 1.2 ozs and is taking more from her bottle feedings now as well.  She is up to 48ml every 3 hours and every 6 hours it is given by bottle.  Yesterday she managed to take 2 full bottles and 2 partials so we are getting better everyday.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bath time

So yesterday I got to weigh Adaleigh and give her a bath while we were at the hospital.  She is up to 5lbs 14.5ozs.  She didnt really care for the bath either but I do have to admit laying naked in a bassinet with a tucks pad beneath you while someone rubs soap on you doesnt sound pleasant to me either.  This was the first time I have bathed her.  Afterwards I gave her a bottle and she ate the whole thing.  Hopefully we can continue on the right track.


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